jeudi 25 mai 2017

---EVIDENCE--- Spectroscopic-----Viscous Flow-----PVT Data----------- CRYSTALLIZATION--------------

The Dual-Phase and Cross-Dual-Phase Model of Polymer Interactions to Describe their Physical Properties: Evidence from Spectroscopy , Viscous Flow , PVT Equation of State, and Crystallization.

Fig. 1
Deconvolution of the 1st cooling peak Tx obtained by DSC for PET

Fig.2  Fit of the DATA by the dual-phase model (red:Fit,black:DATA)

               At the New School Polymer Physics, we explain the results of an (ongoing) extensive investigation of the deformation behavior of amorphous and semi-crystalline polymers in terms of a new model of interactive coupling between conformers belonging to interpenetrating coil-macromolecules. The interactions between the conformers respond to a dual-phase statistics defining a new entity, the b-grains, which compensate with the local free volume and the conformers state (cis-gauche-trans):  [(b/F) ↔(c,g,t)]. Above a critical molecular weight Me, the system defining the conformers’ interactive domain splits into two cross-dual-phase systems; that split of the interactions into two compensating “cross-phases” explains the properties of entangled macromolecules:

                                     [(b/F) ↔(c,g,t)]1  ↔  [(b/F) ↔(c,g,t)]2 

               The spectroscopic evidence for the presence of b-grains in polymers (un-entangled and entangled) was reviewed in an article that examined the work of many scientists who concluded on the local existence of nodules (or “blobs”) in glass forming materials. One of the best experimental evidence was presented by Duval et al. using low frequency Raman spectroscopy. Duval et al assume a non-continuous structure of glasses to interpret their inelastic neutron scattering and Raman scattering results.  The boson peak in Raman scattering is related to the vibrational density of states excess.  Duval suggests that the excess Vibration Density of State (VDS) is the result of vibrations localized in "blobs" that compose the glass.  Size distributions of the blobs can be deduced from neutron and Raman scatterings. These blobs are frozen-in b-grains in the glassy state.

-        J.P. Ibar “Do we Need a New Theory in Polymers Physics? J.M.S-Rev. Macromol.
-        Chem. Phys., C37(3), 389-458 (1997).
-        E. Duval, N. Garcia, A. Boukenter and J. Serughetti, J. Chem. Phys. 99(3), 2040 (1993)

Both articles are available on ResearchGate and

Viscous Flow evidence.

               Our investigation of the deformational properties includes the viscous behavior (capillary, rotational and dynamic shear viscosity).  Flow is induced by the modification of the interactions between the conformers belonging to the macromolecules due to the imposed deformation, either by pressure flow or drag flow. Hence the existence of the b-grains and of the split of the system of interactions into two dual-phases (for entangled polymers) should have a considerable incidence on the flow behavior, and vice versa. We use the dual-phase approach to show the instability of the Newtonian state with respect to the b-grains, explaining the solid-like characteristics of the Newtonian state evidenced by Noirez et al. (see the corresponding blog here).

                We provide a novel interpretation of shear-thinning and distinguish the case of un-entangled polymers for which shear-thinning is simply due to the rate effect of the dual-split equations governing the interactions, and the case of entangled polymers (the stretch/relax blinking model), for which the increased number of activated “strands” -sections  of the entanglement network- sharing   an increase of the demand for producing deformation results in the classical shear-thinning reduction of viscosity with strain rate or frequency.  Hence, below Me, shear-thinning is an inherent property of the dual-phase model, i.e. of the existence of the b-grains, and above Me, it is a consequence of the entanglement network, i.e. of the existence of two cross-dual-phases. We also point out the deficiency of the prevailing reptation model in its explanation of shear-thinning because of the contradictions raised by Rheo-SANS experiments of Laurence Noirez et al. and Hiroshi Watanabe et al. (see the corresponding blog here: SANS results contradict the Current Understanding of Deformation)

                Based on these new ideas about melt deformation, a major part of our experimental work has consisted in studying the strain conditions that trigger the instability of the network of entanglements, leading to the disentanglement technology”.  In particular, we have combined, using “Rheo-Fluidification”, the shear-thinning viscosity reduction and the strain softening decrease of modulus  to induce meta-stable melt states with the ability to store as pellets the viscosity reduction triggered by the time dependent non-linear processing conditions.

This is exposed in a series of papers all available on ResearchGate &, also collected as a new book “The Great Myths of Polymer Melt Rheology (SLP Press, 2016)”.

               link to the book download page

               J.P. Ibar, Z. Zhang, Z.M. Li, A. Santamaria,  “Investigation of the Dynamic Rheological Properties of a Polycarbonate melt presenting solid‐like characteristics and a departure from pure liquid Newtonian behavior at long relaxation times., J. Macromol. Sci. Phys. Volume 54, Issue 6, pp. 649-710 (2015).

               J.P Ibar, “ The Great Myths of Polymer Rheology. Part I.: Comparison of Experiment and Current Theory', J. Macromol. Sci., Part B, 48: 6, 1143 — 1189 (2009).

               J.P. Ibar “ The Great Myths of Polymer Rheology” Part II.: Transient and Steady State. The question of the entanglement stability. J. Macromol. Sci., Part B, 49, 1148 -1258 (2010).

                J.P. Ibar, “The Great Myths in Polymer Rheology, Part III: Elasticity of the Network of Entanglements”, J. Macromol. Sci. Part B, Phys. 52:222-308 (2013).

               J.P. Ibar,  “ Processing polymer melts under Rheo-Fluidification flow conditions: Part 1. Boosting shear-thinning by adding low frequency non-linear vibration to induce strain softening.”. J. Macromol. Sci. Part B, Phys, 52:411-445 (2013).
               Evidence from the Equation of State (PVT)

               All existing models analyzing pressure-volume-temperature (PVT) results (Rachel, Simha, Prigogine, Tait, etc.) always assume a homogeneous and isotropic distribution of free volume or density in glasses and melts.  This is true of many prevailing models in physics which describe (well) homogeneous statistically mean-averaged closed systems of interactions.

               We show that the free volume (and thus the b-grain location) in polymers is not evenly distributed, has a structure, in fact has many “polymorphic structures”, depending on the temperature and the pressure range. A visual analogy could be the more familiarly known patterns showing the “Bessel function mode states” for a resonating vibrating table starting from a homogeneous spread of sand grains. For specific frequencies the grains assemble in fundamental patterns resulting from the solution of the vibration produced wave propagation equations. 

               We advocate, via a new analysis of the PVT data, that determining the average free volume is not enough to determine the physical properties such as the viscosity or the impact strength. To understand why Polycarbonate and Polystyrene differ so much in impact strength, not just the amount of free volume counts but also the free volume structure.  These polymorphic structures are a direct consequence of the dual-phase model of the interactions.

Fig. 3a

Intercept of PV/T vs r (density) at various Pressure (0-200 MPa) and T (25-250 oC) for PETG.

The zones I to IV represent polymorphic states; When Intercept is plotted against slope for each P range (A,B, or C) of the PV/T vs r lines, a perfect straight line determines the common originating compensation coordinates (Ncrc) for this P range (see Fig. 3b below for range [70-150 MPa, 25-250 oC].).  The (Ncrc) coordinates for the 3 P ranges themselves compensate (not shown), suggesting the global correlation and its origin from a common source: [ (b/F) ↔ (c,g,t)].  

Fig. 3b

Nc is the total number of conformers involved in the formation of a stable polymorphic volume structure in the P range {70-150 MPa, 25-250 oC, range B}.  Range A,B,C  all compensate (Nc vs rc is linear). One can comprehensively describe the PVT behavior of melts and glasses with this concept of polymorphic packing states for the free volume structure within stable P,T zones.

Figures 3 are extracted from “Chengdu 12 Lectures on Physics of Interactions in Polymers: Application to Processing –Lecture 2 (follow this link).
               Thermal Analysis evidence.

             Yet, not just the viscoelastic and mechanical properties can be explained by this new model. Recently, we investigated the solidification process from the melt in amorphous and semi-crystalline polymers using thermal analysis (DSC, TMA) showing that discrepancies in the evaluation of the degree of crystallinity calculated from the peaks on heating and cooling could be resolved quantitatively by applying the dual-phase concept of b-grains vs crystallization to fit and deconvolute the thermal peaks.

               The thermal activity analysis does not simply consist of the determination of the amount of crystallinity and of the heat capacity, but also of the dynamics of change of the b-grains, either their formation (exothermic) or their melting (endothermic). Hence, the area under thermal peaks is not entirely devoted to the phenomenon of crystallization or crystal melting, which is the reason for the noticed discrepancies reported in a previous blog (link to: Do we really understand crystallization in polymers?).

               The two Figures at the top of this blog show the deconvolution of the exothermal peak observed by Differential Scanning Calorimetry (DSC) on cooling (@ 10 oC/min) for a sample of PET, the so-called “crystallization peak”.  PET is always chosen as the “model polymer” to explain the DSC features in polymers.  The deconvolution in Fig. 1 provides 6 peaks which, pursuant to our model, we couple in two groups corresponding to the M and the S phase (see later); each phase has one crystallization peak and 2 b-grain peaks, one positive and one negative. The larger elementary peaks (red, blue) are crystallization peaks (exothermic), one for each phase. The smaller elementary peaks refer to thermal activity related to b-grain forming or melting: the positive peaks are exotherms (purple, dark cyan) and correspond to the formation of b-grains (F --> b conformers). The negative peaks are endotherms (magenta, green) corresponding to the melting of b-grains (b -->F).

               The combined thermal activity of all the elementary peaks is compared with the data in Fig. 2.  It is a quasi-perfect fit (r2=1.0). While most of the thermal response, in this particular case of a Virgin PET, is due to crystallization, 5% of the surface area under the peak is not due to crystallization but reflects thermal activity from b-grains variations. Notice, in passing, that some of the b-grain activity cancels out since there are both exo and endo terms: in other words the total b-grain activity is more 10% than 5%.

                For some treated melts which have been brought into non-equilibrium states by Rheo-Fluidification processing, the amount of thermal activity due to the b-grains can be much higher, up to 20-30% of the surface area. In fact, if one wants to compare the effect of a certain process or treatment on the degree of crystallinity, the classical approach to determine the crystallinity in the sample by simple integration of the surface area fails (see the blog link above). We have found many examples for which the surface area was smaller than the reference, yet the crystallinity was actually greater. 

         The deconvolution of the thermal peaks varies with the state of the melt before crystallization/melting takes place. To be able to compare the crystallinity between samples and the crystallinity between several thermal peaks (crystallization vs melting), one needs to perform for each thermal peak their deconvolution and identify each elementary peak to be either a crystallization peak or a peak due to the b-grain activity: b-grain vs crystallization. Furthermore, the identification of the phase in which the thermal activity takes place is also important, either the M or the S phase. For instance in Fig.1, the M-phase corresponds to the red, green and purple curves, and its compensating phase, the S-phase is described by the blue, dark cyan and magenta curves.

               The M-phase is a primary stage for the nucleation and growth of st-t conformers (yielding a sort of micelle-morphology) whereas in the S-phase more structured morphologies such as sherulites develop in parallel to and/or compensating for the M-phase (we recognize the S-phase by the slower rates occurring in the dynamics of change of its elementary peaks).  In the dual-phase model, such splitted activity is the consequence of the equations describing the dynamics of the interactions. Properties are only extensive until a certain size of its evolution is reached, inducing the split. When dealing with equilibrium or quasi-equilibrium states, the results are different than under non-equilibrium conditions. Hence, annealing the samples affects the deconvolution results: not just the crystallization vs b-grain formation in each phase evolves, but also the compensation between the two phases M and S is kinetically involved. Note that the morphological changes occurring in the S-phase fall under what other theories call “secondary crystallization”).

                It is clear that the mechanical properties (diffusion, viscous flow, tensile strength, impact strength and modulus) are all derived from what happened to the crossed dual-two splits: between the crystallinity and the b-grains in one hand, and between the M and S phases in the other hand.
               All our results analyzed can be interpreted within a picture of the amorphous state suggested by the dual-phase and Cross-Dual-Phase model of interactions. The crystallization process from the amorphous state is incorporated in the model.

            In summary, spectroscopic evidence, Newtonian and Non-Newtonian viscosity evidence, PVT equation of state evidence, Thermal Analysis evidence and the effect of molecular weight on these parameters can be quantitatively described by new formulas consistent with the New School Polymer Physics basic concept of b-grains statistics, [(b/F) ↔(c,g,t)], and a split of the system of interactions to explain the properties:

                                   [(b/F) ↔(c,g,t)]1  ↔  [(b/F) ↔(c,g,t)]2 


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