mardi 22 août 2017

The End of an Era in Polymers

The End of an Era in Polymers

There is new Rheo-SANS evidence, just published (July 17th), which strongly suggests that our current understanding of the flow and  relaxation of entangled polymers, based on the reptation theoretical model of motions pioneered by de Gennes (1971) and Doi-Edwards (1979) is fundamentally wrong:

 “This result calls for a fundamental revision of the current theoretical picture for nonlinear rheological behavior of entangled polymeric liquids…the predictions by the tube model  are not experimentally observed in a well-entangled polystyrene melt after a large uniaxial step deformation” conclude the authors.

and if you wonder about the credibility of these authors, they are all scientists working at the most reliable international institutions in the world: the 1,2Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, Tennessee (USA), the 4Center for Neutron Research, National Institute of Standards and Technology, in Gaithersburg, Maryland, the  3Department of Polymer Science of the University of Akron in Ohio(USA), the 6Institut Laue-Langevin, in Grenoble France, and the 5Department of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering, University of Delaware (USA).

The paper in question is remarkably well written, based on explicit and well explained experimental procedure, an innovative analysis, and is easy and fascinating to read:

Fingerprinting Molecular Relaxation in Deformed Polymers
Selected for a Viewpoint in Physics
PHYSICAL REVIEW X 7, 031003 (2017)
Zhe Wang,1,* Christopher N. Lam,2 Wei-Ren Chen,1 Weiyu Wang,2 Jianning Liu,3 Yun Liu,4,5 Lionel Porcar,6
Christopher B. Stanley,1 Zhichen Zhao,3 Kunlun Hong,2 and Yangyang Wang2,

            I extract below a few excerpts from this paper to highlight the procedure and conclusions for my purpose on this blog #32. I have chosen not to paraphrase their text and decided to literally quote entire sentences and paragraphs, because either I happened to agree with the content of the statements made (which I could not have expressed in a better way myself), or because of the clarity and the quality of the writing, which I found rare these days. Not to mention the use of the scientific method to present their new data and the new analysis (spherical harmonics deconvolution). I have also left the references’ marks in the brackets, but the reader will need to go to the paper to access those.


“The entanglement phenomenon is one of the most important and fascinating characteristics of long flexible
chains in the liquid state [13]. Our current understanding of the dynamics of entangled polymers is built on the tube theoretical approach pioneered by de Gennes [4] and Doi and Edwards [59]."

“The advent of the tube model has revolutionized the field of polymer dynamics, and the predictions of the model about both the linear and nonlinear viscoelastic properties of entangled polymers have been significantly improved over the years, by incorporating additional molecular mechanisms such as contour length fluctuation [1012], constraint release [1317], and chain stretching [1820].”

"The GLaMM model (after Graham, Likhtman, Milner, and McLeish [20]),is widely considered the state-of-the-art version of the tube theory, as it incorporates the effects of reptation, chain stretch, and convective constraint release on the microscopic level through a stochastic partial differential equation for the contour dynamics."

“In an effort to account for the nonlinear rheological behavior, Doi and Edwards [6] proposed a unique microscopic deformation mechanism for entangled polymers, which asserts that the external deformation acts on the tube, instead of the polymer chain [21]. The chain retraction within the affinely deformed tube would lead to nonaffine evolution of chain conformation beyond the Rouse time, with entanglement strands being oriented but hardly stretched. This hypothesis, being a keystone of the tube model, stands in stark contrast to the elastic deformation mechanisms of many other alternative theoretical approaches such as the transient network model [2224], where the affine deformation mechanism is adopted.”

“How can we critically test the chain retraction hypothesis of the tube theory for entangled polymers? The investigations in the past have been focused on the analysis of the radius gyration tensor in step-strain relaxation experiments, following the original strategy outlined in the celebrated 1978 paper of Doi and Edwards [6].”

"The chain retraction along the tube around the Rouse time would reduce all components of R2g. After the retraction, the chain continues to relax towards the equilibrium state through reptation."

“In principle, one should be able to critically test the chain retraction hypothesis by performing SANS experiments on uniaxially stretched entangled polymer melts and comparing the measured Rg with theoretical predictions. In reality, experimentalists have encountered tremendous difficulty in following this approach.
…it is practically impossible to reliably determine the radius of gyration tensor through model independent Guinier analysis, because of the limited Q range and flux of existing SANS instruments and the large molecular size of entangled polymers.”

“Here, we present a general approach for extracting microscopic information about molecular relaxation in
deformed polymers using small-angle scattering (SAS).”


 “Rectangular samples (of PS) are uniaxially stretched at 130 °C to a stretch ratio λ=1.8, with a constant crosshead velocity v=40l0 /τR, where l0 is the initial length of the sample, tR the Rouse relaxation time (~10 min). The samples are allowed to relax for different amounts of time (from 0 to 20τR) at 130 °C and then immediately quenched by pumping cold air into the oven. At 130 °C, the Rouse time of the sample is about 10 min, whereas the terminal relaxation time is on the order of 7 h. Furthermore, since the test temperature is only about 30 °C above Tg, the relaxation time increases sharply with decreasing temperature. In our experiment, it takes less than 10 s for the temperature to drop from 130 °C to 125 °C, at which point the chain relaxation is already exceedingly slow. Therefore, we are able to effectively freeze the conformation of the polymer chain with negligible stress relaxation during the quenching procedure.”


“In the polymer community, Roe and Krigbaum have already conceived the idea of spherical harmonic expansion of the orientation distribution function of statistical segments in deformed polymer networks and discussed the potential application of this technique in analyzing the variation of x-ray intensity of the amorphous halo observed for stretched polymers [72]. However, it was not until the work of Mitchell and co-worker almost 20 years later [8486] that a more formal treatment of the measured scattering intensity in terms of Legendre expansion for the uniaxial extensional geometry was developed. Despite the widespread use of this method, the polymer community has so far mainly looked at the problem of scattering of deformed polymers through the lens of rheology, where the major interest is to extract an order parameter to compare with stress. Consequently, the previous works in this area fell short at recognizing the value of spherical harmonic expansion as a general approach for characterizing Q-dependent deformation anisotropy and chain conformation at different length scales.”

“This approach helps to distill the hiddeninformation about molecular deformation from the distorted 2D spectrum.”

“The spherical harmonic expansion analysis permits a direct and unambiguous comparison of SANS experiments with the theoretical picture of the tube model.”

 “It has also been recognized that the model-independent nature of the harmonic analysis not only enables quantitative characterization of materials but also allows one to challenge constitutive relations. From this perspective, our spherical harmonic expansion approach to SAS and the widely used (generalized) Fourier analysis in the complex fluids community share a similar philosophical root.”


“In the case of uniaxial extension geometry, the above-mentioned mechanism (the GLaMM’s tube retraction) is expected to lead to a nonmonotonic change of radius of gyration in the perpendicular direction during the stress relaxation. Figure 3(b) gives an example for the evolution of the radius of gyration in the parallel and perpendicular directions to stretching, calculated according to the GLaMM model.”

Compare the reptation model prediction (Fig. 3(b)) with the experimental results (Fig. 6(a)):

“It is (also) evident from Fig. 5 that the unique scattering patterns [Fig. 3(c)] associated with chain retraction are not experimentally observed.” Compare Fig. 3(c), the tube model prediction of a shift of the minimum. Fig. 5 shows that the experimental minima at various relaxation times do not shift.”


“Unlike the previous investigations, there is no ambiguity associated with model fitting and no room for human bias. Therefore, our critical test clearly demonstrates that the chain retraction hypothesis of the tube model is not supported by small-angle neutron scattering experiments.”

“We show that the two prominent spectral features associated with the chain retractionpeak shift of the leading anisotropic spherical harmonic expansion coefficient and anisotropy inversion in the intermediate wave number (Q) range around Rouse timeare not experimentally observed in a well-entangled polystyrene melt after a large uniaxial step deformation. This result calls for a fundamental revision of the current theoretical picture for nonlinear rheological behavior of entangled polymeric liquids.”

“Therefore, without an alternative mechanism for molecular relaxation, the idea of nonaffine deformation alone does not seem to be able to explain the experimental observation.”

“…the lack of evidence for chain retraction does not imply that the chains do not relax. On the contrary, both the stress measurements Fig. 4(b)] and SANS patterns (Fig. 5) suggest that the system does continuously relax towards the equilibrium state. Therefore, the issue of chain retraction is about the pathway through which the chain relaxes.”

“The spherical harmonic expansion analysis permits a direct and unambiguous comparison of SANS experiments with the theoretical picture of the tube model. The chain retraction hypothesis of the tube model is not supported by the new SANS measurements of well entangled polystyrenes after a large step uniaxial extension.”

“Since the tube theory is of paramount importance for our current understanding of the flow and deformation behavior of entangled polymers, the invalidation of the chain retraction hypothesis has immense ramifications.”

“It should be emphasized, however, that the current investigation is only concerned with the tube approach in the nonlinear rheological regime. In other words, our work does not question the linear part of the tube theory.”


Our work does not question the linear part of the tube theory” say the authors. I do; its interpretation of shear-thinning, for instance, has been discussed in previous blog posts (#22,#23), and proven wrong by Rheo-SANS evidence, once again. Refer to the experimental work of Noirez et al and Watanabe et al, who independently showed that for shear deformation at high shear rate, triggering an intense shear-thinning effect, RG remains constant, in total contradiction with the tube model prediction.

Remember what Karl Popper once said:

"Good tests kill flawed theories; we remain alive to guess again".

I understand there is a comprehensive apprehension in abandoning a concept which has reached, after over 47 years of subtle improvements, the status of a scientific truth, trusted like an established dogma. But there is no such a thing as a dogma in science and only experimental results can establish themselves as scientific truth, not theories (the “guess again” of Popper).

I proposed it before, I will say it again: the reptation model must be buried!

With Honors, certainly, yet buried in the annals of the great wrong achievements like the Ptolemaic system and its great wrong description of the solar system planets motion. 

What could replace this “knowledge”?


I can’t proclaim that this new model of the interactions in polymers will ever reach any status of recognition among my peers, but I am convinced that some of the fundamental ideas embedded in its foundation could lead to new advances in polymer physics, and, more generally, in physics, especially for understanding dynamic systems in non-equilibrium.

This is what I wrote for the introduction of my new book (see details here):

“This book describes a new understanding of the interactions between polymer macromolecules and a new interpretation of entanglements as the chain length increases. The eight chapters of the book focus on the flow properties of melts (rheology) and offer a new basis to describe the classical experiments performed to determine the viscosity and the elasticity of polymeric melts. It is suggested in this work that the classical concepts of rheology (relaxation time, Me, GoN, Newtonian viscosity) may be useful parameters at low rates only, becoming deficient and being responsible for the difficulty to describe non-linear effects (shear-thinning, strain softening) as the strain rate or the strain increases. A new model of visco-elasticity is presented which is applied to linear and non-linear regimes. This work is the result of 40 years of intense research on this subject.

…the new model used to describe the source of molecular motions and flow is termed the Dual-Split Statistics of the conformers; this model provides a quantitative way to determine stress and strain from the variation of the conformational state of the conformers. Grain-Field Statistics, which generalizes the application of the Dual-Split Statistics of conformers to “open dissipative systems”, is responsible for the existence of “entanglements”, i.e. the split of the system of interactions between conformers into two open dissipative systems, which we call Cross-Dual Phases. This is the core of the originality of this work.” 

There is a need to better understand the amorphous state, and by this I mean the interactions within the amorphous state resulting in molecular motions, orientation and the flow behavior. 

There is a need to comprehend the thermo-kinetics duality of the amorphous state, profoundly impacting its (free volume) structure and generating its instability, the source of non-equilibrium properties.

In addition to its application to melt deformation, helping to re-invent our understanding of melt rheology, as explained in the book, this new “knowledge” has pertinent consequences on understanding crystallization from a new dynamic point of view: from the state of non-equilibrium of the amorphous melt point of view.  

There are as many different iso-amorphous states as crystalline forms, and their co-existence in semi-crystalline polymers remain essentially in non-equilibrium conditions, all the time, even above Tm

This new knowledge is of paramount importance to determine and control the mechanical properties of plastic materials.

A new theory of crystallization accounting for the dual-phase aspect of the melt must be created and implemented (see Blog #29: Do We Really Understand Crystallization in Polymers? ).

The simplest evidence of melt instability and its inherent properties comes from realizing that what we call “entanglements” is actually the expression of interactive coupling interactions defining non-equilibrium states.

The reptation model is failing the Rheo-SANS evidence, both in shear and in high strain elongation, because it is incorrectly understanding “entanglements” in polymers. In the reptation views, the singular chain is the center of attention. In contrast, in the Dual-Phase model, the statistical system to describe the interactions is not the macromolecule, it is the conformer, although the increase of the macromolecular weight is determinant to trigger the changes of properties that we perceive as caused by “entanglements”. 

The question of the stability of the entanglements is totally missing in the current molecular dynamic models, and thus those models are confined to describe quasi-static experiments corresponding to linear visco-elastic conditions.

 It is time to provide processing engineers, compounders, resin processors with the right mathematical concepts to tackle the high speed rates they face in their manufacturing craft.