dimanche 20 septembre 2020




Prof. Ilya Prigogine

The French word “renaissance” means “re-birth” in English, but, actually, it does not need to be translated: everyone uses the original French word to designate a new paradigm, a new era, a fresh start.

I used that word, Renaissance, yet added “New” in front of it.  Is it not a pleonasm to say: “a new renaissance”, like “a re-re-birth”?

Not if you consider that the 1st renaissance in polymer physics occurred with de Gennes, circa 1971-1979, introducing the reptation model of polymer dynamics.

The pre-de Gennes era, in polymer physics, was dominated by physical chemists: Bueche, Flory are typical examples, Treolar also pops in my mind, but there are so many others; I would need Boyer’s  legendary memory to be able to turn up a long list of names (see my previous blog #35).  

The pre-de Gennes era established the concept of macromolecules (Staudinger), and de Gennes School developed the scaling concepts to adapt the statistical mechanics of the small molecules to the dynamics of the long macromolecular chains. This field has become a very sophisticated mathematical model, indeed, after 40 years of fruitful advances due to ramifications and improvements.

Yet I maintain that we need to turn the page and start a new renaissance in polymer physics.  Do we need a clean slate?

Let’s roll back to the time when de Gennes started: how can we consider, differently, the statistics of interactions of the macromolecular chains?  After all, if the concept of macromolecule is not challenged, do we not need to select a single chain as our statistical system?  Like we always do in physics, once the properties of the system (here the single chain) is properly described, after accounting for the presence of the other chains that perturbs the property of a single isolated chain, we can extrapolate to the whole set of chains. This is the model that the reptation model proposed and elaborated for 40 years.

The clean slate that we actually need, in order to reformulate the interactions between the macromolecules, is not a small matter; in my opinion, it also bears general consequences in the way we should view interactions in physics, I mean statistically speaking.  The Boltzmann’s kinetic theory of gases inspired all current statistical models of the steady state of the interactions between a large set of units, molecules in the case of Boltzmann. This involves the description of a mean field calculated from the energy distribution function and it also involves a close statistics, where the canonical ensemble is well defined and constant.

Should the Boltzmann’s assumptions be put into question, challenged and perhaps even considered as THE problem to solve?  

If it is the case, not only do we need a new renaissance in polymer physics, but perhaps even, more generally, in physics.

You may not have recognized the man in the picture at the forefront of this blog. He is not as popular as Feynman, but perhaps should be. He is Professor Ilya Prigogine (1917-2003), Nobel Laureate in 1977 and author of several statistical books on the dynamics of “dissipative structures”[1], [2].

I happen to use almost the same words: elastic dissipative wave[3], dissipation energy, vertical structuring due to the minimization of the dissipative term, etc. in the description of the Grain-Field Statistical model of the interactions applied to polymers[4].  There is no doubt in my mind that the essence of my work on dissipation, started independently from Prigogine, has great resonance with what Prigogine has most brilliantly elaborated.  Perhaps luckily, though, I was not inspired by that work (at the time) and developed a different mathematical formulation of dissipation, possibly more adapted to the case of interactions between macromolecules, moreover mathematically simpler to apply, it seems.      

I am not going to elaborate these statements in a blog post, but since I have been working on those issues for the last 5 years and am ready to send to publishers a couple of books developing these new ideas on the subject[5],[6], I propose to “avant-premiere” a selection of general paragraphs from the books to illustrate what I have concluded and the questions that remain open.


A.  Excerpts from Prigogine1:


“We believe that we are only at the beginning of a new development of theoretical chemistry and physics in which thermodynamics concepts will play an ever increasing role.”

“In the classical theory of integrable systems, which has been so important in the formulation of quantum mechanics, all interactions can be eliminated by an appropriate canonical transformation.  Is this really the correct prototype of dynamic systems to consider, especially when situations involving elementary particles and their interactions are considered? Do we not have first to go to a non-canonical representation which permits us to disentangle reversible and irreversible processes on the microscopic level and then only to eliminate the reversible part to obtain well defined but still interacting units?”

“A general feature of interest is that dissipative structures are very sensitive to global features which characterize the environment of chemical systems, such as their size and form…, “

“For example, the occurrence of dissipative structures generally requires that the system’s size exceeds some critical value…”

“…It is precisely because of inequalities (3.2) and (3.4) that d2S is a Lyapounov function.  Its existence ensures the damping of all fluctuations. That is the reason why near equilibrium a macroscopic description for large systems is sufficient. Fluctuations can only play a subordinate role, appearing as corrections to the macroscopic laws which can be neglected for large systems.”



B   Excerpts from my books in footnotes 3, 5 and 6 (polymer interactions):


“…In our view, “conformers”, the constituents of the macromolecules, gather into statistical systems which go beyond belonging to individual macromolecules. A conformer is shown in Figure 7-1, duplicated from Ref. 276.  The macromolecules themselves represent a chain of "covalent conformers" put together as an entity.  The problem is to determine whether the chain properties, derived from its statistics, control entirely the dynamics of the collection of chains making up a polymer. This is what has been assumed by all the other theories, and this is what the Dual-Split kinetics and the Grain-Field statistics challenge…” 


“…to simplify, one could view the difference between our statistical model and the classical model to describe the properties of polymers as follows: according to the classical views, the statistical systems are the macromolecules, i.e. a network of chains; the properties of the chains are disturbed by the presence of other chains and by the external conditions (temperature, stress tensor, electrical field, etc.).  This classical definition of the statistical system contrasts with our approach where the statistical systems are the “dual-conformers”, not the macromolecules, assembled as a network of dual-conformers. The interactive coupling between the dual-conformers is defined by a new statistics, the Grain-Field Statistics, which explores the correlation between the local conformational property of the dual-conformers and their collective behavior as a dissipative network…”


“… the statistics that are used by the classical models and by our model to describe the RIS (rotational isomeric states) of the conformers are fundamentally different: the classical molecular dynamic statistics is the Boltzmann statistics, famous for its kinetic formulation of the properties of gases. The Dual-Split or Dual-Phase statistics, leading to the Grain-Field Statistics, is inspired by the classical Boltzmann concept but departs from it by defining a dissipative term in the equations and assuming that the Free Energy remains always equal to its minimum value, that of the equilibrium state, even for transient states. The kinetics created by such changes in the fundamental equations result in the formation of Free Energy structures, which we have once called “the Energetic Kinetic Dissipative Network of conformers (EKNET)” ([265] to [270])  and more recently, while dealing with rheology “ the Elastic Dissipative Network” ([276], [283a])…”


“…In our analytical formulation of the dynamics of these “open dissipative systems of interactions” generated by our two modifications of the classical formula, we realized that essentially two mechanisms of structuration of the Free Energy prevail and compete: a “vertical structuring” and a “horizontal” structuring, each specifically applying its own version of the basic equations. This distinction increases the complexity of the analytical solution but is, in our opinion, a fundamental aspect of the way interactions work. The vertical structuring refers to a split of the units (collectively interacting in the system) into 2 compensating sub-systems having each a different statistical partition. The horizontal structuring offers a different split of the collective set, via the generation of Ns identical sub-systems, each with the same statistical partition. Each split mechanism generates a dissipative function. The total dissipative function ought to be minimized (it is 0 at equilibrium), a condition that creates their compensation, i.e. whether they work independently, in sequence or together…”    


“…the details of the simulations performed using this model of polymer interactions shows that there is a temperature that we associate with TLL, that is the dynamic transition temperature beyond which the classical molecular models based on the Boltzmann statistics and our open dissipative network model are compatible and coherent. This stipulates that classical molecular theories of polymeric materials will provide the same results as our model for T > TLL, a temperature at which the dissipative function kinetically collapses.  Below TLL, the behavior that results from the interactions is dominated by the statistics of the Dual-Phase and Cross-Dual-Phases; thus, below TLL, the macromolecular aspect does not statistically dictate the properties. The projections of these macromolecular statistical models (reptation, for instance) are physically unfounded below TLL, in our opinion, which explains their failure to describe the experimental results under those conditions (Ch. 7 of [276], [283b])...”


“…If one tests the predictions of the classical approach under conditions that bring its state above TLL, one may conclude that those data validate the classical views since they provide correct answers in the range tested. This is not an easy task, because TLL is rate dependent, pressure and shear dependent and molecular weight dependent. Thus, although one will find in the literature convincing experimental evidence of success for the classical models, which is the reason for their acceptance, we claim that these successes are due to the use of conditions that bring the state of the polymer above its TLL transition…”


“… in most experimental set-ups used by the industry, TLL is raised to such high values, due to the high rates and pressures, that the range of validation of the classical macromolecular dynamics to predict the properties is in default: the use of such classical models in such conditions provides the wrong answers….”

“…we have advocated elsewhere (Ch. 7 of [276]), to abandon the classical interpretation of polymer physics by single chain macromolecular dynamics because of its inability to describe the full range of its behavior and other essential properties of polymers such as the dielectric TSD/TWD responses analyzed in [283f]…” 


“…we propose that the mechanism of relaxation, in polymers, is due to the dynamic coupling of two types of splitting processes of the total statistical population of conformers in interactions: the creation of Ns(t) Energetic Kinetic systems (horizontal splitting) and the modulation of the conformational structure of these systems by the dissipative function (vertical splitting)...”


“…It might be more appropriate to categorize TL,L as one of the kinetic manifestations resulting from the cooperative kinetic process already giving rise to Tb, ,Tg and Tg,ρ.  Beyond TL, L, the organization of the inter-intra molecular interactions between the various dipoles as a dissipative network is kinetically inefficient, hence has ended.  As we said earlier, a description of the properties of the polymer by invoking the properties of the individual macromolecules embedded in a mean field is acceptable from this point on…” 


C. Excerpts from the book in footnote 4 and in Vol. I of the book in footnote 6 (Grain-Field Statistics):


“…The study of kinetics is a discipline that describes the evolution of the units of a population of, say, chemical molecules that participate in chemical reactions. Another example would be to describe the evolution of units of a population which could occupy different “states”. Many other terms have been used to describe the same objective: “statistics”, or “dynamics”, for instance, as shown in the following definitions: the population partition that evolves with time can be studied with the tools of “statistics”, a transient statistics in fact, a field also regarded as “dynamics”.  All these definitions are used in our presentation. The important thing here is to define the terms quantitatively...”


“…Can we modify the set of equations driving the kinetics so the system Free Energy stays at its minimum value at all times?  The Dual Split Kinetics model describes new sets of kinetic equations fulfilling these conditions. There are two types of solutions that we have studied, vertical and horizontal splitting, and several possible hybrid combinations of the two…”


”…In this section we present the assumptions driving the new non-equilibrium statistics and study the difference between its results and results obtained classically. The new equations converge to traditional kinetic equations at long times or under "true" equilibrium conditions. Under non-isothermal conditions the system becomes self-dissipative, and the duality is responsible for a structure of the Free Energy…”


“…Note the presence of an additional term, Ln (Nb/Nf), in the expression of the Free Energy. This function is what we designate the "dissipative term"… “Its introduction is fundamental in our work on interactions; it is the source of the originality of the new statistics and results in the study of a new generation of dynamic open-self-dissipative systems…”


 “…In summary, simple relationships between Lnux, Δx and Δe exist which are revealed by varying Δe in Eqs. (5) to (7). The vertical splitting kinetics is, on its own, powerful enough to simulate the effect of activating the dipoles (permanent and/or induced) at the polarizing temperature Tp, and observing its thermally activated depolarization as a Debye current...”


“…We now imagine solutions that combine the Vertical and Horizontal Dual Split Kinetics to simulate the dynamics of statistical units in interactions… we just want to illustrate one of the solutions of the Grain-Field Statistics that we have explored extensively to simulate the thermal properties and the rheology of polymers. More generally, the description of the several combinations possible and their simulation constitutes a vast and fascinating program of investigation. Additionally, among the various solutions, the challenge is to recognize what combination could possibly correctly simulate the specific interactions in a given field of the physics of interactions, not just polymer physics…”


“…In each of the combinations of Vertical and Horizontal structuring mentioned above, we are dealing with auto-generated open dissipative systems driven by the energetic kinetics assumptions, i.e. by solutions of the structure of the Free energy  so that the minimization of the total Free energy, for the collective set, always remains equal to the equilibrium value at that temperature. An open system occurs when its total population is not kept constant. Such a system compensates its openness by modulating the structures of its Free energy at various levels (scales)...”


“…Figure B-21(below) provides another interesting perspective of the open systems dynamics when their total population, Bo, is submitted to a fluctuation around a mean value.  The system is again defined by Eq. (12), but we now suppose that the value of Bo varies with time like a sine wave as it is cooled  at rate q=-1 oK/s:

Bo= A+B sin (Ct) and T=To- qt.   A=1000, B= 100 are used in Fig. B-21. 

The problem is more complex to resolve numerically, but is still quite tractable. The solution for Ns (T) is plotted on the same graph as Bo (T) for comparison. As the temperature decreases, from right to left on the figure, (Bo(t) is represented by the squares, and Ns(t) by the open dots.

We see in Fig. B-21 that Ns varies periodically but nothing like a sine wave.

What is interesting, however, is to follow the period of the oscillation and the maximum and the minimum of the amplitude of Ns (T), from right to left: The amplitude of Ns has difficulty to rise up beyond its initial value at high temperature, showing a slow increase of the peak maximum value, and a strong non-linear oscillating systems, with lots of harmonics. . Beyond the 4th oscillation of Bo(t), however, the peak maximum value increases rapidly and levels off to a plateau value, and the oscillation becomes cleaner, indicating the muting of many harmonics. The other remarkable feature is the period doubling of the oscillation at lower temperature. At high temperature, the period of Ns(t) and Bo(t) are the same, but as we cross the transition temperature on cooling, the period of Ns(t) becomes twice the period of Bo(t), a phenomenon observed for “time crystals”, for instance.  

This Horizontal dynamic system is capable to produce a transition separating two temperature regions presenting very unique characteristics in material physics [283d]...”   

Figure B-21



“…This challenge of finding the correct combination of horizontal and vertical splitting to describe interactions requires a dedicated book [283d]… An important chapter of that book is titled: “The Dynamics of Open-Dissipative Systems of Interactions: the Question of their Finitude and Stability”.  This chapter, whose title, obviously, resonates with the work of Prigogine in the seventies [500a], although it totally differs from it for its mathematical treatment, should lay down the basic map of what needs to be resolved by the next generation of research scientists (interested in these solutions) to better understand how the local and the global interactions structure one another to generate transient and steady state events in time-space, i.e. describe what we call reality (Time vs Space, Matter vs Vacuum). This would offer new perspectives on the description of the different types of interactions, and of their unification as solutions of the network of open dissipative cooperative systems.  The 1st Renaissance in physics, from Newton to Einstein for gravitational interactions, to the Standard model of interactions to describe the infinitely small, may have exhausted its resources to complete a grand unification. Should the 2nd Renaissance, inspired by Prigogine [500b], now take the baton?...” 


Jean Pierre Ibar

New School Polymer Physics




September 14, 2020

Blog Post #36

[1] Prigogine I., “Time, Structure and Fluctuations’, Nobel Lecture (1977).

[2] Prigogine I., Nicolis G., “Self-Organization in Non-Equilibrium Systems”, Wiley (1977) ISBN 0-471-02401-5. Also:

Glansdorff P., Prigogine I.,”Thermodynamics of Structure, Stability and Fluctuations”, London, Wiley-Interscience (1971)

[3] Ibar J.P., “Physics of Polymer Interactions. A Novel Approach.  Application to Rheology and Processing”, Hanser, (2019). 

[4] Ibar J.P., “Grain Field Statistics Applied to Polymer Physics”, book in preparation.

[5] Ibar J.P., “Application of the Dual-Phase and Cross-Dual-Phase model of Polymer Interactions to the Rheology of Polymer Melts. Temperature and Molecular Weight Dependence: A New Approach.”, book, submitted for publication.

[6] Ibar J.P., “Interactive Coupling in the Amorphous State of Polymers”, books,  Vol. I and II, Accepted for publication